Wednesday, February 29, 2012

, , , The Power Of Private Label Rights Products, Fe

Private label rights products, or PLR as they are often called, have long been a winner amongst internet entrepreneurs. The reason for this is simply because Private Label Rights products allow you to have complete control over the product, the artwork and the licence that you choose to hand over to your customers.

Having the rights to a PLR DVD, for example, allows you to do one or all of the following:

- Sell the product on to your customers of list;

- Change the content of the DVD using an editing software tool;

- Use all or parts of the video content to promote the entire product or other products;

- Use some of the video content as a free bonus or upsell;

- Alter, change or re-brand the artwork.

An example of how effective Private Label Right's products are can be explained in a recent product that I created. I wanted to provide my customer base with a publishing DVD set that basically taught people how to publish their own book. I created the product, which was 5 hours long, and I also provided my client base with some fantastic, high quality artwork. However, one clever internet entrepreneur decided that she wanted to re-brand the artwork and create a website for the product that was entirely different from the one I had supplied as part of the PLR package. This turned out to be a very wise move as she was then able to own the copyright to her own design, which in turn meant that she effectively had no competition for her PLR DVD set.

When starting out with resell products I would always advise anybody to go for Private Label Rights products, for the simple reason that it allows you to have total control of the usage of the product. Before you purchase the PLR rights for any product, however, make sure you ask the supplier the following questions:

Q1. How long has the product been available to buy?

Q2. How many united have they sold to date?

Q3. Do they have any testimonials from previous customers to establish how effective the content is?

Q4. Have any of their customers had much success in selling the product.

As I am sure you are aware there are many different resell rights websites out there offering PLR products. It is very important that, before you invest your hard earned cash, you establish how effective they are first.

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whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. Feet Treats!    by Zoe Robinson in Shopping    (submitted 2012-02-28) About the Author

Zoe Robinson is an enthusiastic writer in the subject matter of health and beauty products. The websites recommended by Zoe Robinson have been thoroughly researched and come highly acclaimed from direct experience. Take a look at a range of cheap perfume today.

Zoe Robinson

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